1. What Final Fantasy Character are you? | Teel | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
2. Which male Final Fantasy 4-10 character are you? | Keebecky | Yes/No Selector |  | 5 votes |
3. Final Fantasy: Unlimited | Samishii | Yes/No Selector |  | 5 votes |
4. what final fantasy 8 character are you most like? | manda | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
5. Which Final Fantasy Job Class are you? | Sir Jigsbee | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
6. Your Ideal Match from FFIV | Rydia Highwind | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
7. Final Fantasy X Personality Test | elis | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
8. Final Fantasy 1 newbie party selector | bobotheking | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
9. Which Kingdom Hearts Character are you most like? | _sora_53 | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
10. Who's your Final Fantasy VII lover? | sephirothlover | Knowledge Quiz |  | 2 votes |
11. Final Fantasy 8 Character Selector | Yuna | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
12. Which Final Fantasy Occupation Best Fits You? | Natsumi & Miyuki | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
13. Which Final Fantasy VII character are you? (with pictures) | CrystalShards | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
14. What Final Fantasy Character Class Are You? | saitochan | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
15. Which female Final Fantasy 4-9 character are you? | Keebecky | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
16. FF GENERATIONS - WHICH GIRL WOULD YOU DATE? | blah | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
17. Final Fantasy XI Job Quiz | Sairiui | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
18. WhicH FinaL FantasY X-2 Character are you most like? | LeNnE EtHeReaL | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
19. Which Final Fantasy IV Baddie are you, anyway? | Rydia Highwind | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
20. Are you homosexual test | Gabi <3 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
21. Which Final Fantasy 2/4 Character Are You? | AceDiamond | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
22. What FFX character are you? | Chirpdee | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
23. Which Final Fantasy 7,8,9 female are you????? | rainecloud910 | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
24. Final Fantasy VII Character Selector | PhoenixFire | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
25. What FF14 Race Are You? | Byzantene | Yes/No Selector |  | 9 votes |
26. Which Final Fantasy 8 character are you? | Seifer Almasy | Yes/No Selector |  | 10 votes |
27. Que personagem de Final Fantasy IV você é? | Sayojia | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
28. Which Kindom Hearts character are YOU? | Zell | Yes/No Selector |  | 30 votes |
29. Personality Type Indicator Quiz for Final Fantasy X | storyless | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
30. What Final Fantasy VIII Character, are you most like? | .Yuna. | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
31. Final Fantasy Dating Game | BoogiepopPhantom | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
32. Which Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts Villian are you? | kh kj13 | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 2 votes |
33. Which Final Fantasy villain are you? | mfactor74 | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
34. Which Final Fantasy VII character are you? | Missy | Yes/No Selector |  | 42 votes |
35. What Final Fantasy VI Character Are You? | Forest Knight | Yes/No Selector |  | 10 votes |
36. RinOa's Final Fantasy VIII Quiz | rinOa | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
37. Final Fantasy XxX | zell | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
38. Which Final Fantasy IX Character are you most like? | Eternity | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
39. Which Final Fantasy girl is for you? | Elk Hunter | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 4 votes |
40. FF7 quiz see who and which character are you. | Thommy | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
41. Final-Fantasy | Doris | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
42. Final Fantasy IX Character Selector | Goddess Beatrix | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
43. Laura Ingraham interview with policeman fired for opposing vaccine mandate resurfaces after he died | SelectSmart Staff | Staff Created Selector |  | 2 votes |
44. What Final Fantasy VII Character Are You? | Faye | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
45. FFIX Character Selector | Mallet6001 | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
46. Weapons Personality Test | Chris / Auron | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
47. Final Fantasy VII and you | Jenosavel | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
48. Which Game do you belong to? (many answers) | Alucino | Knowledge Quiz |  | 4 votes |
49. Eighth Fantasy - Which character are you? | Alex Kinnhart | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
50. Final Fantasy X JP Character | FFX | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
51. PSX Final Fantasy game selector | christopher | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
52. Final Fantasy VII Character Personality Test | dookieshed | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
53. Best Final Fantasy Character | Tifa1992 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
54. FF Girls Character selector | Icha the Beatrix Worshipper | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |